About Us

Awake Human Being is system of practices that enable a deep exploration into the great mystery that is our being.

Brian Bergman - Chief Explorer/ Founder
The Astronaut - a cave painting discovered in Mexico predating modern civilisation

Our Story

The natural expression of an Awake Human Being is compassion, empathy, tolerance, understanding and selflessness. They are dynamic, creative people with strong will and ability to become focused and one pointed in their vision. Able to hear and then adapt to the needs of their present reality.

Our aim is to support these people in their movements in life, in a hope that they are people who take responsibility. Who serve, love and give.  And from their own unique perspective, make the world a better place for all life.

Meet Our Lead Instructors

Brian Bergman

Brian has been practicing yoga, meditation and mindfulness for 21 years and has been practicing conscious dance for the last 11. He is a veterinarian, a Dancing Freedom facilitator, and holds a PG Diploma in Yogic Studies, from the Bihar Yoga Bharati, in India. 

Could be you?

Watch this space for future instructors offering courses. 

What Our Students Have to Say

I haven’t done anything like this before and am glad that I took this opportunity as I can tell that I need more of it. I do a lot of yoga and physical exercise but recently a yoga teacher told me something that made so much sense: “Pascal, you need to be more playful! Get our of your head, enjoy, let go!” And here I am, doing exactly what she said, very much appreciating it. 
From Switzerland
Thank you so much for this amazing, magical, spiritual experience. I feel connected with my body and the all universe. It brings me joy, opens my heart and gives me the wish to dance every day! Softness, freedom, love, fullness, complementarity, light, simplicity, flow, fluidity, all this words came in my vision and lived in and out my body. It was an invitation to share it with the world. Gratitude is the word for you Brian
From France
Brian is an incredible teacher, holding space for the vast range of human experience to unfold in creative and healing ways. His intelligence, intuition, humour and grace filter through his words in an unaffected and beautiful way, as he weaves magic through his use of music and imagery. I continue to learn from and be inspired by his guidance – most recently during the 5 Sheaths course, which explores the layers of being that make us human and sacred according to yogic philosophy. I enjoyed the integration of subtler practices before we danced each week, which gave keys to different dimensions of the movement experience, and I feel empowered to traverse the fuller picture of my being moving forward – both on and off the dance floor. Thank you Brian. Yanna
From South Africa
Thank you so much for this fantastic retreat, I enjoyed every minute of it. In spite of being a beginner conscious dancer and never having been silent for even a day, it exceeded all my expectations. My intention was simply to deepen my mind body connection, relax and nourish myself. Over the five days I experienced a myriad of different and wonderful insights into myself and was amazed how you managed to incorporate so much: yoga, meditation, nature, creativity, energy, visualisation, movement, music and more,. bringing it all together in a mind space perfect for growth and endless possibilities.  Growing new neural pathways, healing, connecting, opening, processing and playing with the many aspects and layers of our humanness. For me it feels like so much I have been working on has been integrated in a profound way.
From South Africa